Corona Virus

>> Sunday, April 19, 2020

Stay at HOME, maintain cleanness rules and pray to creator. 


>> Sunday, May 20, 2018

Mammary gland
Breast anatomy normal scheme.png
Cross-section of the mammary-gland.
1.      Chest wall
2.      Pectoralis muscles
3.      Lobules
4.      Nipple
5.      Areola
6.      Milk duct
7.      Fatty tissue
8.      Skin

mammary gland is an exocrine gland in mammals that produces milk to feed young offspring. Mammals get their name from the Latin word mamma, "breast". The mammary glands are arranged in organs such as the breasts in primates (for example, humans and chimpanzees), the udder in ruminants (for example, cows, goats, and deer), and the dugs of other animals (for example, dogs and cats). Lactorrhea, the occasional production of milk by the glands, can occur in any mammal, but in most mammals lactation, the production of enough milk for nursing, occurs only in phenotypic females who have gestated in recent months or years. It is directed by hormonal guidance from sex steroids. In a few mammalian species, male lactation can occur.


Cleaning Up With Makeup Removers

>> Monday, September 7, 2009

Cleaning Up With Makeup Removers

Sure, putting on makeup can be a lot of fun. Makeup does wonders to any face, after all, so experimenting with different looks can be fun, if not totally exhilarating. But equally important as putting on makeup is taking them off. Makeup that is left on overnight can have adverse, serious effects on the skin. The rule of thumb is never to sleep with your makeup on else, it will be like sleeping with a dirty face.
But ridding your face of makeup may require more than just soap and water. There are specially formulated makeup removers out there to suit every skin type. And usually, they are not harsh, but are rather gentle to the skin as most of them are specifically made for the eyes.
The first type of makeup remover comes in pads or wipes. Pads or wipes are perfect for normal to oily skin, and perfect, too, for people who are travelling or on the go. Pads or wipes are easy to use as they are already soaked in cleaning solution. All one has to do is simply wipe it over the face. Some makeup removers come in cream form. These are particularly recommended for dry or sensitive skin. Further, they have moisturizing properties that leave the skin soft and supple. Another type of makeup remover is the water-based type. Water-based makeup removers are best for acne-prone or oily skin. However, they can effectively remove only light makeup, not heavy mascara nor liquid eyeliner. There are also makeup removers that come in gel form. These are especially good for oily skin. The only drawback to the like of this is that it can cause skin break-outs, making it rather difficult to reapply makeup. When using a makeup remover in gel form, remember to rinse it very well with water.


Health Tips:Secrets To Make You Look Younger

Health Tips:Secrets To Make You Look Younger

Secrets To Make You Look Younger

Do you want to look young and stay beautiful even when you are in your mid 30 or 40 and up? Even if you are jump up with all the workloads and other task or perhaps you stressed, don't fret.
Maintaining beauty and health is easy with these simple secrets:

Secret 1
For your hair styles, keep your hair short or mid-length avoid having too long hair since you would make you look like an old witch. Try little bangs or even a side swept bangs, keeping your face visible and uncovered. You could also highlight your hair, or simply color them with black or dark brown, to cover up revealing white hairs.

Secret 2
For your face, use anti-aging products daily to reduce aging lines. Do not overdo your make up, keep it light, as more of pastel and light tone. Use brown shade lipsticks to make you look like 15 years ago. Never over pluck your eyebrows if you don�t want to look like Cinderella�s wicked stepmother.

Secret 3
Taking care of your teeth is the most important thing, to avoid permanent tooth loose. Keep it white and shinny by using teeth whitening products sold in the market. Regular dental check up is also essential, to take off tartar and cavities from coffee, tea, wine and other foods.

Secret 4
Exercise daily, concentrating on your cardio and eating in healthy ways. Maintain your proper body figure by keeping your ideal weight. Be in proper body posture, standing and sitting straight as well will keep you sexy and young looking.

Secret 5
Even if you�re in a strenuous activity daily, always remember to get a real good sleep, atleast 8 hours at night. Your eyes will be the first evidence whether you�re getting enough rest or not, so take good care and look young getting rid of those bugging eye bugs.


Health Tips: The Virginia Tech Massacre

The Virginia Tech Massacre

I’ve been pondering exactly how to post about what happened this week at the campus of Virginia Tech. I’ve got so many emotions about the killings of so many innocent people. I’m deeply saddened by all of it. At times, I’m a little numb because death is really something that is a daily part of a physician’s life. I’ve also just felt angry at society for allowing this to happen. At other times, I’m just angry with the killer.
The news has been going nonstop about this event. Who is to blame? Mr. Cho? His parents? His friends? The Virginia Tech community? No one?
I personally grew up in a family where it was taught that someone or something was always to blame for any mistake or tragedy. In our household, things just couldn’t happen for no reason. Someone always had to have done something wrong or forgotten something or have been neglectful. Yet the older I become and the more mortality and morbidity I see in my career, the more I know that things just happen without any rhyme or reason. The person who gets hit by a driver who did not see him did nothing to deserve it. The person who becomes paralyzed when a tree branch falls on his neck did nothing wrong.
Mental health is really at the heart of the Virginia Tech Massacre. Could this have been prevented if friends and family reached out to this disturbed individual sooner? Could this have been prevented if the people around him were more inquisitive and caring? Could this have been prevented if there was less violence in the popular media?
I’m not going to come down in favor of one side or another. But what I will say is that we are all part of a community. When one of us goes down, it inevitably affects us and we cannot deny that we are all interconnected. We go through life so focused on ourselves and providing for our own needs. We don’t intend to push others down, but if given the choice we would rather see ourselves rise than fall. In this environment, people slip through the cracks.
How many people have you known that slipped through the cracks? How many people do you know could be the next crazy killer?
If I look back in my own past to individuals that I thought were disturbed, troubling, or mentally unstable, I wonder where they are now. At every stage from childhood to college, I do recall people that I didn’t know well that were “outsiders”. Most of them slipped through the cracks socially and in school and athletics. Each one of them could have turned out successful and healthy. Or perhaps they could have turned out to be very dangerous people. It’s too bad that I was so self-consumed with my life that I didn’t take time to notice them or reach out a hand.


Human Brain

You have been entrusted with the care and feeding of the most extraordinary and complex creation in the universe. Home to your mind and personality, your brain houses your cherished memories and future hopes. It orchestrates the symphony of consciousness that gives you purpose and passion, motion and emotion.

But what do you really know about it?

Here you can get to know your brain – the food it likes, the challenges it craves, the rest it requires, the protection it deserves.

Within these pages you will find the fruit of decades of research. Here you can participate in today's neuroscience renaissance, and learn what you can do for your brain.


Woman health tips for :What Women Can Teach You About Real Strength

>> Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Women Can Teach You About Real Strength

At a major U. S. retail chain a few years ago, the CEO launched a "Win at Retail" (or "WAR") campaign designed to boost sales. His strategy was to show employees a video with actual battle footage. This was at a company that sold satin panties, deep-plunge bras, and other items designed to make women "feel sexy, sophisticated, and forever young." 

At another company, in the pinkies-up world of tea drinking, the story goes that sales reps at a retreat received wooden mallets and empty tins of a rival's product. Then, on cue, they used the mallets to smash the tins flat. For target practice, the urinals in the men's room were equipped with the rival's cardboard tea mats. 

Does it ever occur to these guys that sometimes it might work better to not act like such a guy? Or at least that it might make sense to be a stealth guy, cleverly disguised by day as a mild-mannered, semirational member of the community? In the modern workplace, the best way for a man to succeed might actually be to suppress his caveman and try to think like a woman instead. 

It's not about acting like a woman. People respond badly to what psychologists call "gender rule violations." Nor is anyone suggesting that women always make ideal employees. They can be just as stupid as men can be. On becoming CEO at Yahoo early this year, for instance, Carol Bartz reportedly threatened to "drop-kick to f--king Mars" anyone caught leaking company information. (Her staff promptly leaked the quote.) 

But the case for learning a few basic skills from the so-called weaker sex is simple: Women are succeeding in a time when men generally aren't. Four out of five jobs lost in the current recession belonged to men. (It's been dubbed the "he-cession.") Male-dominated construction and manufacturing sectors are taking the hardest hits. 

Even in white-collar industries, men often look more expendable than women. "Women work a little harder," says one male boss in market research. "They're more loyal and they stick with things a lot longer." And, not least, they're frequently paid less. "So if I'm going to fire somebody, I'll fire Fred, not Fanny." Thus for the first time ever, women might become a majority in the U.S. workplace. 

The political zeitgeist also favors women. One business magazine recently offered a predictable list of ideal qualities for a chief financial offi- cer, and then added, "Oh, yes, and the company might be better off if it chooses a woman." Research suggests that investors trust women to scrutinize potential deals more carefully, and that they take points away from men for being overconfident. And in financially struggling Iceland, the women who run one of that nation's only investment firms still turning a profit recently blamed the country's economic collapse on "typical" aggressive, indiscriminate, high-risk, "male" behavior. 

You could complain that women are out to get men. But that's like whining that the girl next door is really mean. You could also just give up and refuse to play the game, an increasingly common response among men in their prime. (According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 9.4 percent of men ages 30 to 54 were out of the workforce entirely in 2008, up from just 3.4 percent in the 1960s.) Women have been learning from men's examples in the workplace for decades, with notable success. Now it's men's turn to learn from women's examples. 

Thinking like a woman isn't as emasculating as pop psychologists would have you believe it is. This isn't Mars and Venus. According to the "gender similarities hypothesis," it's more like men are from Minneapolis and women are from St. Paul. Janet S. Hyde, Ph.D., a University of Wisconsin psychologist and the author of the hypothesis, says that not only are most of our supposed gender differences small, but they show up only on average when studying large samples of people. So women may have a moderate advantage when it comes to decoding nonverbal cues like facial expressions and body language. "But there's also terrific overlap," Hyde notes. "You can't assume that every woman is good at decoding nonverbal cues, or that every man is bad at it." You also shouldn't assume that a particular skill is the exclusive property of one sex. 

The differences are often just a matter of practice. For instance, boys learn early to place high values on playing hard, being picked for the team, giving and taking orders, paying attention to the hierarchy, and keeping score—all useful skills on the job. But they often have less practice, says Hyde, at taking other peoples' thoughts and feelings into account. Then they find themselves in business, and it turns out, says Whitney Johnson, an investment executive, that they need the very skills they've been taught their entire lives to reject—skills like being inclusive, working collaboratively, and bringing along underlings who need help. 

Women make good models for learning these neglected social skills because of one gender difference that's real: Women are 8 percent shorter than men on average. Being physically less imposing has given them a critical advantage in a workplace where brute force no longer carries much weight. Women have had to rely all along on smarter and more social ways of being strong. So how can men dodge the next he-cession? How do we salvage our careers, our sense of self-worth, and, not incidentally, the status of our relationships at home?

It Wouldn't Kill You to Smile 

Women are better at smiling than men are. They have significantly thicker zygomaticus majors, those essential smile muscles running from the eyes down to the corners of the mouth. This extra muscle may be genetic, because women have evolved to keep peace in family groups. Or it may just be that women smile more because they spend so much of the day trying to make men calm down and cooperate. Men, on the other hand, specialize in expressions of anger. Being big and bad is our default mode. But face it, we're no longer out on the savanna defending the tribe. So try smiling at people in the hallway for a change. It's not weakness, it's self-confidence. 

But as with other lessons from the opposite sex, also beware of the gender rules. If a man smiles too much, or at the wrong time—in the middle of a serious argument, say—he risks looking weak. Candidate Barack Obama's easy smile and laid-back demeanor during last year's presidential primaries was one reason political consultant James Carville joked that Obama needed to borrow a cojone from Hillary Clinton. Characteristically, the candidate shrugged off the slight and kept his focus on the job. He also recognized that being friendly didn't detract from his masculinity, any more than acting like a mad dog made Carville more of a man. (And yes, you can borrow Hillary's cojones. There might be a strategic advantage in letting Madam Secretary tango with, say, North Korea's "dear leader," Kim Jong Il.)


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